Hello, my name is Kashawn Stroman and I am 13 years old. I live in upstate NY and I am in the 8th grade. On Columbus Day 2011 I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus which was caused by tectal plate glioma (midbrain tumor). I was an active teenager playing football, basketball and volunteering at hockey games and at children’s centers until I started having extreme headaches and vomiting.

Also, I have always been on the honor roll and made Jr. Honor Society, but since the beginning of school I have not been able to learn anything and my grades were very bad. My doctor said it was migraines but on Columbus Day I was volunteering at a center for kids and fell asleep sitting there, so my mom knew something was not right. I had the shunt placed the next day, I was sick and had a seizure because the adjustment of the shunt was off.

In November I started having headaches again so back to the ER we went and they found my brain collapsed and I was bleeding, so they drilled burr holes to drain the blood. The next week they did a shunt revision because my shunt malfunctioned. Since then I have had some memory loss and my eyesight is not that good, but things have been getting better every day, no more headaches or vomiting and my grades in school are getting back to normal.

My school, family and friends have been very supportive and I thank them every day. Ever since I was diagnosed I have wanted to try and raise awareness about hydrocephalus. I have learned not too many people know what hydrocephalus is or the effects it can have, that is why I want to get involved as much as I can. My family and I are planning to do the walk in Long Island, NY next year and I am very excited.

I would love to have a walk here at my hometown too.