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  • PHF’s Year End Report – 2012

    January 13, 2013 by  
    Filed under Uncategorized

    As we celebrate the beginning of a New Year, we also celebrate the Birthday of the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation.

    Four years ago on January 9th, our dream became a reality. The Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. was officially “open for business.”

    Thanks to your generous and continued support the PHF celebrated many successes and accomplishments in the year 2012.

    We started off 2012 by launching a new initiative called PHF “Families First for Hydrocephalus.” This program introduced the PHF into hospitals around the Country and to families dealing with Hydrocephalus.

    The PHF returned to Our Nation’s Capital in August for the 2nd Annual PHF Hydrocephalus Awareness Day on Capitol Hill. With over 70 attendees, representing 25 families and 14 States, the PHF met with the offices of over 40 Members of Congress to advocate, educate & raise awareness.

    By the end of the day, it looked like everyone on Capitol Hill was wearing the PHF’s signature Hydrocephalus Awareness solid Light Blue bracelet or lapel pin!!

    For September’s National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month, the PHF introduced “Hydrocephalus Sibling Appreciation Day”, Siblings from 10 families were randomly chosen and were awarded a Family Night at the Movies, courtesy of the PHF, Inc.

    In 2012, the PHF has awarded over $110,000.00 in grants and donations to Hospitals, Neuroscience Institutes and Medical Research Centers for Hydrocephalus Research & Education:

    CHOC Foundation
    Goodman Campbell Brain & Spine Foundation
    Cameron Can Foundation
    St. Cloud Hospital
    Boston Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Hospital Colorado
    Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital
    Akron Children’s Hospital
    Duke University Medical Center
    Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children
    Kona Community Hospital
    Nationwide Children’s Hospital
    Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    University of Utah
    University of Illinois at Chicago

    The PHF, an all-volunteer 501 (c) (3) dues free non-profit charitable organization, now boasts thousands of members across the Country, with over 30 State Chapters, and more to come!

    Aila Elmore, 5 months old of Indiana, and Matthew Elicea, 9 years old of California, will serve as the PHF’s 2013 Ambassadors for our “National Face of Hydrocephalus Awareness” Campaign, as we head towards the 5th Anniversary of Hydrocephalus Awareness Month in September.
