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  • Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. Introduces Two State Chapters

    July 21, 2009 by  
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    Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. Introduces Two State Chapters

    For Immediate Release
    Contact: Kimberly Illions
    (732) 634-1283
    Tuesday, July 21, 2009
    http://www.HydrocephalusKids.org kim@hydrocephaluskids.org

    Parents From Missouri & California Join the PHF, Inc. In Battle to ‘Fund a Cure’ for Hydrocephalus

    Woodbridge, NJ – The Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. is pleased to announce and introduce their first two State Chapters to the PFH, Inc. family; Missouri & California.

    California State Director Bridget Roberts wants to give back and help fund a cure for Hydrocephalus, “My son Aiden developed Hydrocephalus within his first few weeks of life. His first shunt was placed at 5 weeks old. Sitting in the ICU at Children’s Hospital Oakland several weeks ago made me look around at all of these children suffering from the same thing Aiden was at that very moment and I realized that these little children big and small are my heroes.”

    The new Missouri State Director, Shannon Sommers & her husband Jason, share a similar story; “Our daughter Carly Jade is a thriving, adorable 4-year old! Doctors diagnosed her with Hydrocephalus when I was just 18 weeks pregnant. In a matter of minutes, our lives changed. My husband and I were unfamiliar with the condition. We had many questions, but Doctors had few answers. I needed someone, something to reach out to, but the resources weren’t there, until now, thanks to the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation!”

    “We are so thankful to be a part of this incredible organization. Our goal here in Missouri is to educate families and doctors that having Hydrocephalus is okay. I want everyone to see Carly’s beautiful face and know everything will be okay. And with the help of the community we will fight with all our might to fund a cure!”

    Kim Illions, the President of the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, Inc. and mother of a 4 year old boy with Hydrocephalus, added that “Our vision at the PHF has always been to “fund a cure for hydrocephalus” and to spread that funding across the country. We are so proud and excited to welcome our two newest chapters, Missouri and California, and we look forward to raising money, awareness and advocacy for Pediatric Hydrocephalus with these two great states!”

    The mission of the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation is to educate the community by raising the level of awareness about this incurable brain condition. The PHF will also provide support to the families, friends and children who are diagnosed with Hydrocephalus.

    The PHF will raise money for and work with the medical community in searching for a cure and additional treatment options for those with Hydrocephalus.

    Additionally, the PHF will advocate on behalf of the members of the Hydrocephalus community and work with policy makers at the State and Federal level to raise awareness and push for more research and support in our fight against Hydrocephalus. The PHF will be holding fundraising events to accomplish the goals stated above.

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