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  • 9 year-old with brain condition makes money out of lemons

    September 11, 2018 by  
    Filed under Uncategorized


    WASHINGTONVILLE — Brayden Thew has survived not one, but seven brain surgeries, and he is not even 10 years old. Diagnosed at 11 days old with Hydrocephalus, an incurable brain condition, the lives of this young boy, his parents and everyone in his family were forever changed.

    Brayden wanted to raise money for the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation to be used for research. He and his younger brother, Ashton, decided to sell water from their driveway. A close family friend saw them and felt sorry for them so they came over with some lemonade mix to add to the water. All the neighbors from their small cul-de-sac stopped and bought some. The boys ended up raising $12. They were thrilled.

    Well, the lemonade stand turned into a much bigger deal, thanks to the outpouring of support from the community. With the help of the Washingtonville Community Events Team, Betty’s Country Kitchen, J. Hoffman Insurance, and Hudson Heritage Realty, Brayden’s Lemonade stand debuted at the Aug. 24 Date Night at Vern Allen Park. Brayden sold his lemonade for a $1 a cup and many visitors told him to keep the change. He in turn let them come back for refills. Brayden raised just under $650. Both the water and the lemonade mix were donated.

    The stand was so popular, Brayden was invited to set up again at the upcoming Witchingtonville 2018 event at Vern Allen Park on Oct., 20, where thousands are expected to attend. Looks like Brayden’s going to need a bigger stand!

    If you would like to donate to Brayden’s cause, attend the Oct. 20 Witchingtonville 2018 event at Vern Allen Park in Washingtonville or if you cannot attend you can mail your donation to Brayden Thew, 9 McNamara Dr., Campbell Hall 10916.


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