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  • 8-Year-Old Brooklynn Reiter From South Carolina Selected as 2019 National Ambassador of Hydrocephalus Awareness for Incurable Brain Condition

    January 5, 2019 by  
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    8-Year-Old Brooklynn Reiter From South Carolina Selected as 2019 National Ambassador of Hydrocephalus Awareness for Incurable Brain Condition

    brooklynn First time we ever heard the word hydrocephalus was when I was 20+ weeks pregnant at a ultrasound. She was born on 12-31-10 and had her first ETV surgery at 4 days old.

    After about a month she was back in surgery for another ETV attempt due to the first one closing. A month later she was in surgery again to place a shunt.

    She has had 4 shunt revisions since then. The latest being just this past November 4th, you can find a more in depth post about that on my Facebook page.

    Brooklynn has also had surgery to correct the nerves behind her eyes due to the pressure. So, she has had a total of 8 surgeries due to hydrocephalus.

    She was also diagnosed with IS as a baby but has since been seizure free.

    Brooklynn received PT, OT and ST as a baby and through her first 2 years at school.

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