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  • 2-Year-Old from St. Charles, Michigan Annalise Strasel Selected as 2023 National Ambassador of Hydrocephalus Awareness for Incurable Brain Condition

    January 16, 2023 by  
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    2-Year-Old from St. Charles, Michigan Annalise Strasel Selected as 2023 National Ambassador of Hydrocephalus Awareness for Incurable Brain Condition

    Annalise St. Charles, MI- Annalise just turned two on January 6th, her age now matching the amount of life-saving brain surgeries Annalise has survived. Annalise was born with Hydrocephalus, an incurable brain condition, the number one cause of pediatric brain surgery, which is the only treatment option.

    Annalise was diagnosed in-utero and had her first brain surgery at just a couple of days old to place a shunt in her brain, a medical device that helps move and drain the excess cerebral spinal fluid from the brain. Because of an infection soon after, Annalise had her second brain surgery, where the first shunt system was replaced with another. The shunt has one of the highest failure rates of any medical device.

    Annalise was selected as one of two children to serve as this year’s “National Ambassador of Hydrocephalus Awareness”, for the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, to help raise the level of awareness and education about Hydrocephalus in the United States. Annalise, whose family lives in St. Charles, Michigan, will represent the girls, while 11-year-old Aiden Smith, also from Michigan, will represent the boys.

    Annalise enjoys being read books. She loves anything electronic. She loves video calling family and playing with Fisher Price Little People. Last summer she was able to ride her “neigh” as she calls him for occupational therapy. She adores any animal, but mainly horses and dogs.

    Annalise’s Mom Nicole shared her thoughts about her daughter being named the National Ambassador of Awareness for the Hydrocephalus Community; ” It is an absolute honor for Annalise to be chosen. We are so excited for this opportunity.

    As Annalise’s mom, I am always advocating for her and her condition with hydrocephalus. Our hopes are to raise awareness for hydrocephalus as we didn’t know the condition existed until Annalise was diagnosed.”

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