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  • Rhode Island’s Congressional Delegation Join the Congressional Pediatric & Adult Hydrocephalus Caucus

    September 7, 2012 by  
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    Rep. James Langevin & Rep. David Cicilline Join Hydrocephalus Caucus

    Thanks to our efforts in DC for PHF’s Hydrocephalus Awareness Day on Capitol Hill on Friday August 24th, I am pleased to announce that 2 more Members of Congress have joined the Congressional Pediatric & Adult Hydrocephalus Caucus. They are Rhode Island Congressmen; Rep. David Cicilline & Rep. James Langevin. Just days ago, Pennsylvania Congressman Tim Murphy announced he had also joined the Hydrocephalus Caucus.

    PHF’s Featured Story

    March 20, 2011 by  
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    PHF Rhode Island State Director Rebecca Minasian and her 5 year old daughter Caitlin, were featured on Providence, Rhode Island’s NBC-TV affiliate.

    Read the full story by Barbara Morse Silva: Minasian started a Rhode Island chapter of the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation. She’s already had two fundraisers, and she is planning a third. The event will raise money for special equipment for other children with this irreversible brain condition and to fund research. Minasian would like to see a cure. After all, she has big dreams for Caitlin.