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  • 4-Year-Old from Huntsville, Alabama Sawyer Taylor Selected as 2024 National Ambassador of Hydrocephalus Awareness for Incurable Brain Condition

    January 26, 2024 by  
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    4-Year-Old from Huntsville, Alabama Sawyer Taylor Selected as 2024 National Ambassador of Hydrocephalus Awareness for Incurable Brain Condition

    sawyertHuntsville, AL- “Your son either has a brain tumor or best-case scenario, he may have Hydrocephalus.” That was what a doctor told Kyla Taylor at her son Sawyer’s 4-month checkup in 2020. After confirming Hydrocephalus was the diagnosis, Mom, Dad & Sawyer packed up their car and drove to Tennessee’s Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital for brain surgery. Because of Covid-19 protocols, Sawyer’s father wasn’t allowed in and spent the entire time in their car and parking garage.

    Sawyer was born at 31 weeks at 5lbs and 15oz. Thankfully, he did not require any oxygen, as he was able to breathe on his own. However, Kyla was concerned that Sawyer’s forehead was bulging, and had almost a square shape to it. Her concerns were dismissed, and everything would be fine. After being discharged and having a pediatrician visit a few days later, Kyla once again inquired about Sawyer’s forehead, which now seemed worse, but again was told there was nothing to worry about. As days and weeks went by, Sawyer’s head circumference was getting bigger and symptoms were starting to present themselves in addition to the continued head growth, until finally, a doctor told Kyla “Your son either has a brain tumor or best-case scenario, he may have Hydrocephalus”, and Sawyer’s journey began.

    Sawyer was selected as one of two children to serve as this year’s “National Ambassador of Hydrocephalus Awareness”, for the Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, to help raise the level of awareness and education about Hydrocephalus in the United States. Sawyer will represent the boys, while 7-year-old Ellery Mendez, from New Jersey, will represent the girls.

    Sawyer loves books and playing outside, but his biggest passion lies with Dinosaurs. Sawyer loves dinosaurs and can properly name and identify literally every single one, including his favorites Brachiosaurus, pachycephalosaurus, triceratops, stegosaurus, ankylosaurus and T-Rex.

    Sawyer’s Mom Kyla shared her thoughts about her son being named the National Ambassador of Awareness for the Hydrocephalus Community; “Sawyer is absolutely our little hero, and we are honored at the potential of him being a hero to others as well.”